Dr. Rah is a spiritual psychologist and teacher of hidden and forbidden gnosis—spiritual and mystical knowledge that transcends intellectual understanding to reveal the ultimate nature of reality. With over 18 years of experience in education and coaching, training, and mentoring teachers, Dr. Rah has witnessed firsthand the intentional and systematic (mis)education within schools (and religions), both in what is taught and what is deliberately omitted. Connecting these gaps in education and world religions back through ancient history, spirituality, and consciousness, she uncovered how the absence of true knowledge, critical and independent thinking, and intelligence has profoundly impacted mental-emotional health, psychology, physical well-being, politics, spirituality, and, most notably, the MYNDs (higher consciousness) of people. As a result, before she became Dr. and before she knew her name "Rah", she went through a 10-year personal "dark night of the soul" journey and rebirthed herself anew. Re-emerging as Dr. Rah, now a psychologist she no longer was defined by or operated within the conventional limitations of being a teacher, nor the limitations set forth in the field of psychology. Dr. Rah brings gnosis to those who are ready, willing, and desire to escape the matrix of education, religion, and social group-think.
Being a student of Dr. Rah is NOT an easy task, as her classes and programs are intensive and results-driven. The knowledge you acquire from her school of higher consciousness, training programs, and mentorship will likely dismantle all that you once knew (or thought you knew) and understood. As AlphaMYND Intelligence was created to be life-changing and requires much of you, the journey with Dr. Rah is definitely rewarding to you and those connected to you.
Students and mentees of Dr. Rah are ready to...
Expand the limits of their THINKING.
Expand the limits of their BELIEVING.
Expand the limits of their DOING.
Expand the limits of their BEING.
* NOTE *
Dr. Rah respects that there is a time and space for Western medicine, counseling, and its various forms of therapy, and education. By no means does she encourage people to abandon anything that the practitioners and educators of these fields have to offer, but rather take the wisdom you gain from Dr. Rah and apply it to how you choose to participate in these practices. After all, spirituality is both science and history education just applied under a different framework and dimensional lens. The mind and MYND, spirituality, history, and culture are not separate from each other. Instead, they are all integral parts of each other. None of them exist in isolation from the other and are essential for a person to truly know thyself, elevate thyself, and create thyself anew.
Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD)
Clinical Psychology
Masters' of Science (MS)
Educational Psychology (NOT school psychology)
Human Behavior / Counseling
Chi Sigma Iota Inductee
Bachelor's of Science (BS)
Business / International Studies
National Dean's Award
Teacher (18+ years)
K-12 Edu (cognitive disabilities)
K-12 Special Edu (behavior & mental health)
College Edu
Spiritual Edu
Continuing Edu
Professional Development
Teacher Mentor Program
Founder & CEO of a Book Publishing Enterprise
Author of "Seasons of Preparations" & 3 other books
Editor & Publisher of 9 books
University of Houston
Women's Basketball
Conference USA Champions
NCAA Tournament
National Dean's List