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 The Reality For Teachers

ADHD and anxiety have a significant impact on children's / teen's behavior and their ability to learn and succeed in school. The Department of Education plays a key role in ensuring that children / teens with ADHD and anxiety receive appropriate accommodations and support. However, there are concerns about whether schools are doing enough to support them and whether there is enough funding and resources to provide the necessary interventions.


The effects of ADHD and anxiety are that the classroom becomes a source of major stress for teachers everywhere.

  • Difficulty Managing Behavior: Students with ADHD and anxiety have difficulty regulating their emotions and often exhibit impulsive or hyperactive behavior that can be disruptive to, and even unsafe for, the classroom environment. This makes it challenging for teachers to effectively manage their classes and ensure that all students are safe and can learn.

  • Lack of Understanding: Many teachers do not fully understand ADHD and anxiety and its effects on students. This leads to misunderstandings and misconceptions about students' behavior and results in frustrated, or even angry, teachers responding ineffectively to students.

  • Limited Resources: Many schools do not have the resources to effectively support students with ADHD or anxiety, which limits what teachers can do to help and support students and address their behavior.

  • Burnout and Depression: Teachers are increasingly feeling overwhelmed by the demands of managing a classroom with students who have a range of needs, including those with ADHD or anxiety. They have expressed feelings of being unsupported and criticized in their efforts to help students succeed.

  • Time Constraints: There is pressure for teachers to cover a certain amount of material within a set timeframe and increase students' achievement as measured by benchmark assessments and state standardized tests. This is extraordinarily difficult when students with ADHD and anxiety require more time and attention to learn and complete tasks, and/or when their behavior impedes their learning and the learning of the other students in the class.

Copyright 2023 AlphaMYND Intelligence LLC

The educational system's approach to meeting the needs of students' needs, including those with ADHD and anxiety is outdated, underfunded, only effective in theory, and ineffective in reality to say the least. However, as teachers are leaving the classroom in droves schools have reached for new and innovative ways to meet the needs of students and teachers.

AlphaMYND Intelligence has accepted this challenge by bringing Alpha State MYND Control training (neurofeedback) to classrooms across America. While this intervention is a relatively new approach for schools in helping and teaching students with ADHD and anxiety in schools, the evidence does prove its effectiveness.

  • A study published in JMIR Publications in 2022 showed that remote neurofeedback reduced the symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, and depression of which 69% of participants moved from abnormal to healthy score ranges.

  • A randomized controlled trial published in the journal European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry in 2019 found that neurofeedback was associated with significant improvements in ADHD and anxiety symptoms, compared to a control group.

  • A meta-analysis of neurofeedback for ADHD published in the journal Clinical EEG and Neuroscience in 2019 found that neurofeedback was associated with significant improvements in ADHD and anxiety symptoms, compared to a control group.

  • A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry in 2014 found that neurofeedback was associated with significant improvements in ADHD and anxiety symptoms, compared to a control group.

  • A meta-analysis published in 2014 in the journal Pediatrics of the American Academy of Pediatrics found that neurofeedback was associated with significant reductions in ADHD and anxiety symptoms compared to a control group.

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