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A practice of unconventional psychology and school of ancient wisdom teaching

Move beyond the confines of your mind and really get to know thyself in relation to everything else (MYND)

Dive into the depths of your MYND and unlock the profound power of introspection, inspection, and awareness. In a world filled with noise and endless distractions, AlphaMYND Intelligence teaches stillness amidst the chaos. It's the art of turning inward, exploring the vast landscapes of your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, aspirations, and more.

Through introspection, inspection, and awareness you uncover universe secrets, open lock chambers within your MYND, untangle the threads of your experiences, and discover the essence of who you are or becoming. It's a journey of understanding, clarity, wisdom, and application of it all. Embrace the silence, listen to the whispers of your MYND, and let introspection be your guide to a profound understanding of thyself.

Dr. Tam, PhD

The MYND Psychologist

In a world saturated with textbook jargon, standardized approaches, nonsense plans, policies, and procedures, Dr. Tam offers a refreshing departure from traditional counseling and psychology. With a deep understanding of the complexity and depth of the human experience, Dr. Tam recognizes that true transformation extends far beyond the confines of the physical mind, diagnostic labels, clinical frameworks, and one-size-fits-all interventions and practices.

Dr. Tam has been working in the "mind" fields of schools and businesses for more than 17 years. Through those experiences, coupled with her advanced education in business and international studies, human behavior, counseling, and clinical psychology, in addition to her personal battles and triumphs, the "MYND over Mind" journey and legacy was born.

Dr. Tam In Action

1) MYND over Mind Exclusive Membership

2) Alpha State MYND Control Training
3) AlphaMYND Intelligence Publications

What Does
AlphaMYND Intelligence Offer?


  • MYND over Mind Curriculum (50+ programs for all areas of your life)

  • Personalized coaching with Dr. Tam

  • Private community social network

  • Discounts for books, other resources, and services

Click here for details and pricing


  • Train your brain and find your alpha flow state

  • AlphaMYND training kit

  • Personalized training program and recurring brain health checks

  • 1:1 Weekly coaching and training supervision with Dr. Tam

Difficulty with attention, anxiety, performance, stress, and sleep? This also significantly negatively impacts your awareness, emotions, mental wellness, and behavior, which prevents you from tapping into your MYND.


Published works by Dr. Tam that includes:

  • Interactive ebooks & magazines

  • Interactive articles & other resources 

This interactive virtual library is filled with a vast array of both complimentary and premium publications.


Never play a princess. Be a QUEEN.

Personalized training program


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